A Man and His Cat, commonly known as Ojisama to Neko in Japan and its native countries, is a famous manga series based on the slice of life. Written and created by Umi Sakurai, this comedy genre Japanese manga series made its original run in 2017 with six volumes. In this blog, you’ll get to know more about Oji-Sama to Neko anime adaptation.

Published by Sakurai as a webcomic at first, it later got serialized by Square Enix Manga. With such great sales worldwide with its manga run, fans surely want an anime adaptation for this series. If you want to know more about this comedy and shonen series, read the blog.

Table of Contents

OjiSama to Neko Storyline

It certainly has an amusing story that discusses the relationship between an old widowed man and an undesired Cat. Fukumaru, a huge and unattractive fascinating cat, lives in an animal shelter. Often looked over by people for its adoption, Fukumaru desires to have someone lovable in life. 

oji-Sama to Neko Anime Adaptation

One day he is surprisingly adopted by an old man named Kanda, who is a widow and lives in a distant relationship with his grown-up children. Overwhelmed by each other’s companionship, Fukumaru and Kanda move their story forwards as the series advances. 

OjiSama to Neko anime adaptation

The TV show for Oji-Sama to Neko aired in January 2021 and received a lot of appreciation too. The actor in the lead, playing the role of Kanda received an award recently for his work in the TV drama show. Now, fans are waiting for this manga to get an anime adaptation. Keeping in mind the success of the TV drama show that aired in January, it can surely get an anime adaptation.

OjiSama to Neko anime release date

OjiSama to Neko anime adaptation

The story of “A Man and His Cat” has surely gathered an immense amount of love from the readers and viewers on all platforms. Talking about its release date, it is not yet cleared. But after the success of the TV drama series of this show, the anime release date can be announced by the officials anytime soon.

OjiSama to Neko Manga

This award-winning series is surely turning out to be the fan’s favorite manga now. The story revolves around an unwanted cat who is always overlooked by the adopters when compared to other cute kittens. Trying to search for love and friendship, Fukumaru finally gets an owner named Kanda, an old widowed man who found his companion in Fukumaru. Kanda, a widowed man who lives in a distant relationship with his mature children, adopts Fukumaru. 

They both get overwhelmed by each other’s support in every part of their life. Discussing the companionship of a human and an animal, the story is a perfect combination of comedy and slice of life with shonen demographics.

OjiSama to Neko TV Drama Show

After an amazing response to the manga series, a TV drama starring a veteran actor in the lead role was released on 6th January 2021. Kanda Fuyuki, a famous pianist in the world, adopts a cat and names him Fukumaru. Widowed a few years ago, Kanda lives away from his adult children and is bound to loneliness. You can surely watch this TV drama show to know Kanda and Fukumaru end the suffering of their solitude with each other’s companionship.


Considering the series of events one after other, the adaptation of an anime from OjiSama to Neko manga series is bound to happen. It might have been a long wait for the fans of this series, but the anime is going to be worth all of it. To know more about other manga series and their anime adaptation news, you can follow spoiler guy for updates and news.