The Vinland Saga anime got popular when the story got an anime adaptation. With no official confirmation of Season 2, fans preferred reading the manga. The manga recently aired its 171st chapter and readers are now eager for Vinland Saga Chapter 172.
In this post, we are going to be talking about Vinland Saga Chapter 172. This post contains the details regarding the release date of chapter 171 of Vinland Saga. This post may contain spoilers from the upcoming chapters of Vinland Saga manga, so proceed with utmost care or skip to the release date section –
Table of Contents
Vinland Saga Chapter 172
The previous chapter of Vinland Saga was titled as, “Sailing for the Wests”. It was a 24 pages chapter and it got published in the April Issue. Vinland Saga Manga Chapter 172 will be a 24 paged chapter too and it will cover the continuation of Sailing for the west.
Vinland Saga Chapter 172 Release Date
As the previous chapter of Vinland Saga was released on 26th April, which was the 170th chapter of the series. So Vinland Saga Chapter 172 is supposed to release on 26th May 2020. If there are no delays. Just like One Piece and Attack on Titan manga.
Vinland Saga 172 Scans and Leaks
According to our sources, Vinland Saga 172 spoilers are yet to release. So, stay tuned on SpoilerGuy for further updates.
Vinland Saga Chapter 172 Spoilers
The spoilers and leaks are the raw scans, that are being translated by the popular translators on the internet. But you may not worry, we will make sure to add the leaks and spoilers to the article, as soon as they’re out. You can put your opinions regarding Vinland Saga 172 in the comment section below. Furthermore, the spoilers, as well as the raw scans of Vinland Saga 172, are expected to be released on 23 May 2020.
Where to Read Vinland Saga 172?
All the chapters of Vinland Saga are exclusively available on Kodansha Comics in English and the Japanese language. Besides this, you can also buy the hard copy of the manga to support the creator. We highly condemn the use of reading manga on an unofficial website.
While you wait for the upcoming chapter to drop, make sure to follow our Social media accounts for more.