Vinland Saga franchise recently uploaded a “special video” teaser for the anime after Vinland Saga Episode 24. There is no confirmation for Vinland Saga season 2 within the video, however, the video does tease the Vinland Saga manga next arc after the end of the story of the anime.
Undoubtedly, Vinland Saga is able to make such a huge fan base with a handful of episodes. Moreover, It’s one of the biggest anime hits of the season. And I must say- Vinland Saga is one of the best anime in the Shonen category. The last episode did leave a huge impact on fans all around the globe.
Here’s the official video teaser for the future arc of Vinland Saga manga-
(Note: The below video contains spoilers for the final episode of the anime)
Recently, the official YouTube channel for the anime also posted a seven-minute video from the creator. Makoto Yukimura comments on few things on the anime, it includes-
- The anime adaptation,
- Original stories that were not in the manga,
- Episode 14 of the series,
- and his voice acting role in the anime.
Here is the video-
Moreover, the director for Vinland Saga also posted a thread on Twitter to thank fans for watching the series. Vinland Saga anime is getting love and support from all around the globe. Director Shūhei Yabuta said,
“Thank you for watching #VINLAND_SAGA ! Without your encouragement, my team could never finish the work! I’m very pleased to engage in conversation with everyone through this title! The story ends once, but I would be grateful if you could keep expanding the world of VINLAND!”
Thank you for watching #VINLAND_SAGA ! Without your encouragement, my team could never finish the work! I'm very pleased to engage in conversation with everyone through this title! The story ends once, but I would be grateful if you could keep expanding the world of VINLAND!
— やぶた (@yabshu55) December 29, 2019
The official website for the anime also said,
Thank you for watching Episode 24 “END OF THE PROLOGUE”!
We will deliver a special movie to everyone who watched the broadcast!
Well, that’s what we have for now. Thanks for reading!
Source: Vinland Saga
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