One of the most popular ongoing anime of the time – My Hero Academia. Season 4 of My Hero Academia started on 12 October 2019. It started with a filler episode but fans still love it. This week – no episode was released which made fans unhappy. But we have some interesting news for you. We are going to introduce you to members of the Yakuza group.

A yakuza is a group of criminals who were active in the early days. This group was led by Overhaul. But soon the age of pro heroes started and Yakuza members were forced to go undercover. Soon after the fall of All Might – Overhaul is panning to bring back the glory of the Yakuza. To do so, they have to totally bring down the Pro Heroes. A recent update revealed more members of the Yakuza.

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Weekly Shonen Jump on twitter announced 10 more members of Yakuza.

My Hero Academia Yakuza’s Members

  1. Takahashi Kouji as Sakaki Teidorou
  2. Masuda Takayuki as Nemoto Shin
  3. Miyamoto Jun as Tengai Hekiji
  4. Kajikawa Shouhei as Rappa Kendou
  5. Mamiya Yasuhiro as Irinaka Joui
  6. Asahi Natakumi as Kurono Hari
  7. Okuda Hiroaki as Katsukame Rikiya
  8. Tsuji Kengo as Tabe Soramitsu
  9. Matsuda Kenichirou as Houjou Yuu
  10. KENN as Setsuno Touya

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Moreover, Looking at all of these new villains takes the excitement of fans to the new level. We are expecting the Yakuza to be just as terrifying as Overhaul. Who killed a member of the league of the villain in a snap. Hopefully, the other members of the group are as badass as their master Overhaul.  Let’s see what this awesome series pack for us in the future.

So, that’s all for today. Furthermore,  Make sure to follow our Social media accounts for exclusive spoilers. Make sure to read our latest blog: Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba Season 2 Release Date!