Horimiya is one of the best anime out there in today’s time, the story is written by Hiroki Adachi and Daisuke Hagiwara brought it to life with his art. The Story is about two characters named Izumi Miyamura and Kyoko Hori. Izumi is the typical last bencher anime guy who sits by the window alone in his thoughts and Kyoko is a beautiful and smart girl who is admired by everyone in the school.

When you know about their characters you may think they are totally opposites of each other! But as you dive deep into the story in manga or anime you realize that it’s not true and that there is much common stuff they both can relate to.

The manga just ended and as for the anime – it became a fan favorite in less time and if you are one of them I have a surprise for you. I’m here with some Anime similar to Horimiya.

Wotokai: Love is Hard for an Otaku

This Anime is about a workplace rom-com, it’s one of those finest balanced stories where you can just lay down and binge on. Most of the Anime Romcoms are based in Highschools but this one is an exception and shows adults going all giddy over certain situations. One of the Employees Hirotaka Nifuji is a guy who is passionate about video games but wants to keep this hobby a secret from others.

Hirotaka loves Narumi Momose who is also a Manga Lover, a pure otaku! They go out with each other without ever disclosing their hobbies to others. You can watch this Amazing anime which is similar to Hori san to Miyamura kun on Netflix.

A Silent Voice

A Silent Voice is a story of Redemption, a story that will break your heart into pieces only to put it together in the end. Shoyo Ishida a sixth-grader who bullies his classmate Shoko Nishimiya who is a deaf and mute girl. You can watch this movie on Netflix

This Movie displays elements like Romance, Depression, Redemption, and Tragedy in a beautiful way. Shoyo is embarrassed by his wrongdoings and how he bullied Shoko in the past. So he tries to atone for his sins by being a helpful friend to Shoko and tries to win her heart.

The Story revolves around different phases of life and also shows how to tackle them. This Anime is also similar to Horimiya, you better have a whole tissue box when you sit down to watch this one.

Also Read: Anime Similar to Mushoku Tensei


This Romcom has Ryuji Takasu who is a kind-hearted high school student who loves to do housework and help his family. But the problem is this Scary and intimidating face Ryuji has, which makes him look like a guy who would kill you for stepping on his shoes. You can easily binge watch Toradora on Netflix.

One of the characters of the anime named Taiga is a hyper little girl who has a crush on the lady’s favorite vice president named Yuusaku Kitamura. While Ryuuji has his heart locked on Minori Kushieda who happens to be close to Taiga!

This is just alike Horimiya on this list, this Anime is a Rom-Com which shows you this unordinary duo trying to help each other to win their crush’s heart. During this process, they form a great team and bond. It’s a really fun anime to watch and binge on.

Rascal does not dream of Bunny Girl Senpai

This anime is a rom-com based on highschool drama, it’s one of the most famous series right now because of cosplayers going crazy over bunny girl senpai. Sakuta, a high school student meets Mai Sakurajima who is suffering from weird phenomena going around in the bodies of young girls.

Mai’s character is totally invisible to the world, yes she cant be seen by anyone other than Sakuta. The real reason Mai wears this Playboy Esque outfit is that she wants to be noticed! Sakuta offers help to end this weird phenomenon going on around the world amongst young girls like Mai.

Sakuta gets to know his classmates much better during this time where he embarks on a journey to help. If you want to watch an anime that is just like Hori san to Miyamura kun, then you can watch this interesting anime on Crunchyroll.

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