Somali to Mori no Kamisama is an anime based on a popular web manga written by Yako Gureishi. The anime aired its first episode recently and got great support all around the world. In short, ‘‘that time Jotaro got reincarnated in a fantasy world” will be a perfect way to summarise episode 1. Moreover, fans are now excited for Somali to Mori no Kamisama Episode 2.

In this post, we will be discussing the release date, plot, and preview for Episode 2 of Somali and the Forest Spirit. This blog post contains spoilers from episode 1. So, if you haven’t watched the first episode, you may stop reading now.

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Somali to Mori no Kamisama aka Somali and the Forest Spirit is a fantasy anime that covers up the Adventure-Slice of life genre. Studio Satelight will be in charge of the production for this masterpiece. Well, without any more delays let’s start with the updates-


Release Date for Somali and the Forest Spirit Episode 2

The second episode for Somali to Mori no Kamisama will air on the upcoming Thursday, 9 January 2019. Besides this, the anime is officially available on Crunchyroll, you can click here to watch it.

Moreover, Episode 2 is titled “Edible Herbs and the Oni’s Dwelling”, and as for a preview- there is no preview out yet.

The anime airs in its original language and there are no updates regarding the dubbed version for the same. However, if there’s a demand- the studio will definitely get the anime English dubbed.

Also read: Vinland Saga Season 2

That’s what we have, for now, Thanks for reading! Make sure to follow our Social media accounts for exclusive updates on anime news.