Zombieland Saga is an anime that was released in mid-2018, the story is based on a young singer named Sakura Minamoto, who is killed in a traffic accident and is resurrected as a Zombie a decade later. Sakura decides to form a Musical Band/Group with 6 other girls who are similar to her. All of these girls from the Band are from different eras in Japan, they have been resurrected for this Idol Group by Kotaro Tatsumi. In this blog, you will find various anime similar to Zombieland Saga, so do make sure to read the article until the very end.

9 Best Anime Similar to Zombieland Saga

Zombieland is comedic relief, an anime you can watch when you are just bored of the shonen protagonist stories and three-dimensional animes.ย  If you are someone who loved Zombieland Saga, then we have Top 9 Anime Similar to Zombieland Saga for you. Most of these animes can be watched on Crunchyroll and Netflix.

Highschool DXD

Highschool DXD is a weird anime, I mean a weird anime which you will love to watch. The protagonist of the show, Issei Hyoudou is a pervert whose biggest dream is to create a Harem of his own. Yes, you heard me right. Issei goes on a date with a girl where he finds out that she is a fallen angel, and before he can react he is killed by her.

Later Issei is resurrected by a Devil named Rias Gremory, now Issei must adjust and live in this world filled with demons and angels. If you want to watch an anime similar to Zombieland Saga, you will love this. Btw it’s an ecchi anime, You can watch it on Crunchyroll and Netflix.

Is this a Zombie?

Imagine you got a convenience store to buy regular stuff and on the way back home you’re killed. Sucks right? That’s what happens to the protagonist named Ayumu Aikawa, later he is resurrected into a Zombie by a man called Eucliwood Hellscythe.

The Twist starts when Ayumu takes the uniform of Haruna by accident, Haruna who has magical powers loses them to Ayumu. Now both have to decide how to get her powers back to her. It’s a weird anime just as you would expect, but it’s very much similar to Zombieland Saga.

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Date a Live

This Anime, Date a Live starts when there are earthquakes like natural calamities happening all over Asia. Over thirty years ago in East Asia, there was an earthquake that killed over 150 million people. A guy named Shidou Itsuka comes in between one of these strange things happening all over, as he is trying to save his sister.

That’s when Shidou discovers this girl, who has god-like powers, and finds out that her arrival on the planet causes these earthquakes. These earthquakes are called spacequakes. Shiodu starts trying to stop them by love instead of others who have violent ideas. This is a fun comedy and mysterious anime similar to Zombieland saga. You can binge it on Crunchyroll.

Rosario + Vampire

This anime is about Monsters trying to live between humans in their human forms. The Boarding school called “Youkai Academy” isn’t a normal school! It’s a school filled with Young Monsters in Human form, where they are thought to live with humans.

9 Best Anime Similar to Zombieland Saga

When Tsukune Aono enters the picture, she causes havoc. As she gets into the Youkai Academy where it is strictly “No Humans” allowed. She becomes the first human to study in this school, you will love this comedy high school anime.

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Backstreet Girls: GokuDolls

Three guys named Kazuhiko, Kentaro, Ryou, who are from a Yakuza Gang are given a mission by their boss to complete. When they fail to complete the mission, they are forced to go under a sex change surgery as a punishment. I mean that’s a hard punishment, but hey that’s anime.

After the operation, they are professionally trained to sing and dance to form an idol group in Japan. The Idol group is named “Goku Dolls“, all three yakuza try to keep their personalities as Yakuza despite being changed into Females. The Comedy in this anime is a must-watch for Zombieland saga fans. You can watch it on Crunchyroll.

Angel Beats

The Angel beats is an anime similar to Zombieland saga, as it has the plot of Afterlife. The main character of the series, Yuzuru Otanashi who wakes up in a world of the afterlife after his tragic death. Yuzuru meets Yuri the leader of the team of Afterlife Battlefront. He ends up joining Yuri’s team and slowly starts learning about the reality of the situation he is stuck in and learns more and more about the afterlife.

Yuzuru doesn’t remember details about his past life, throughout the show when he is learning the reality of the new world he has entered. He starts regaining his memories and feels free from the shackles of the past life trauma he had. This realization gives meaning to his new life and doesn’t make it meaningless.


This anime also has an idol group just like Zombieland Saga, the main character Nanako Usami is a normal teenager who likes singing and dancing. One day Nanakos Uncle asks her to team up with a girl named Yukari Kohinata and create an idol group.

anime similar to zombieland

This makes a huge change in Nanako’s life as she always wanted to be an idol. She knows that she got lucky on being a part of an idol group in such a short time. Nanako uses this opportunity and starts promoting her local town, which is going through economic distress!, making it an anime like Zombieland Saga. This show “Locodol” is very cute and you will surely enjoy watching it.

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The protagonist of this show is a teenage girl named Miu Takigawa. Miu lives her life on her own basis, she supports her family in every way she can and still manages to remove time for herself. She is a teenager who doesn’t like to waste money on stupid stuff and is always focused on her life.

One day Miu mysteriously receives an invitation about an idol group called 22/7! She joins this group with 5 other girls and they are controlled by the wall. They have to listen and run the idol group according to them. You will enjoy watching 22/7 as it goes on, you will find out how they come out of the problems they face and manage to get famous.

Magical Girl Ore

Magical Ore anime which is also called “Maho Shoujo Ore” focuses on the angels and idol groups genre which is quite famous in Japan! The Leading girl of the show is Saki Uno who is a part of an idol duo group called “Magical Twins”. The second person in the group is Sakuyo Mikage, who is also the best friend of Saki.

As being close to Sakuya, Saki grows a crush on her brother Mohiro and wants to be his girlfriend. The Major twist of the anime starts when Saki meets a Mascot named Kokoro-Chan, who tells her that her mother was a demon-hunting angel! This takes her off-guard and shocks her. Mysterious things start happening as Saki is also offered the same role as her mother, first she denies it. But the thing which makes her accept the role is because of Mohiro.

Mohiro is one of the targets of the demons! To protect Mohiro whom she wants to be with, Saki takes this step to become a demon-hunting angel. The show revolves around the idol genre which makes it an anime similar to Zombieland Saga. The comedy of 22/7 is as good as Zombieland Saga. So go give it a watch on Crunchyroll.